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    A Slum Friendly India | Jockin Arputham | TEDxNMIMSBangalore

    The talk deals with the problems faced by slum dwellers in our society and places emphasis on the clear, simple and important objective of making India, a slum friendly nation..

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    How Self Challenges Brain and Brain Challenges Self | Sangeetha Menon | TEDxNMIMSBangalore

    A fascinating world exists where the brain and our self intersect. Prof. Sangeetha Menon in her talk focuses on understanding the self and explores our idea of “I”.

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    Words… | Shinie Antony | TEDxNMIMSBangalore

    Emotions are pre-lingual and the words we make up along the way are only the best approximation of them. New words come in all the time, then where do all the old ones go?

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    Dying Art of Listening | Disha Oberoi | TEDxNMIMSBangalore

    Ever wondered how would a blind man play cricket? Ever thanked a person for listening? Ever listened to silence? The talk gives immense scope to listening and how to revive the art of listening…

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    It is not CSR but CR | Vinita Bali | TEDxNMIMSBangalore

    CSR is an issue which concerns not just the corporates but one and all. Ms.Vinita Bali in her talk knits the idea of aligning the individual and collective responsibilities to have a society of good governance.

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    Sarthak Brahma
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