“Faith in oneself and continuous hard work is the key ingredient for a successful business conglomerate”- – Shri. Sanjay C. Kirloskar

Xavier Institute of Management, XIM University, Bhubaneswar celebrated its Foundation Day Ceremony on the 30th November 2022, at the Old Campus, Bhubaneswar. XIM University has been scaling great heights with the support and dedication of all the stakeholders with each passing year.

The University fraternity and invited guests had an opportunity to listen to the talk delivered by Shri. Sanjay C. Kirloskar, Chairman & Managing Director, Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. Under his leadership Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. is reckoned as India’s largest pump manufacturer with international presence across various other nations. He spoke in-depth about how the focus should be society first and women empowerment. All business endeavors must be transparent and taken forward with commitment and honesty.

Among the eminent dignitaries present were, Shri. Rajive Kaul, Chairman Emeritus, Board of Governors. Jerome Cutinha, S.J, Chairman, Board of Governors, Fr. Antony R Uvari, S.J., Vice Chancellor, XIM University and Fr. S. Antony Raj, S.J., Registrar, XIM University. On the occasion, Shri. Sanjay C. Kirloskar was conferred the Honorary Doctoral Degree in Business Management by the University. He was felicitated by Fr. Jerome Cutinha, S.J.

The event commenced with the welcome note by Shri. Rajive Kaul wherein he spoke about the Kirloskar Ltd. and their efforts towards nation building right from pre-independence era till date.

Some employees of the University were also felicitated with long service medals for their dedication and loyalty. This ceremony was conducted by Fr. S. Antony Raj,S.J.

The event ended with vote of thanks by Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J., wherein he expressed his gratitude to the Chief Guest and all stakeholders of the University for their constant support and contributions towards institution building.


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