The growth story of Kingdom “Global Giant” was as interesting as it can get. It had followed an open policy- attracting the best ideas and minds from all kingdoms including “company”,”outsourcing” and “cold state”. And to retain those minds- it provided equal opportunities to them, some of whom even went on to become the king of “Global Giant”.
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How Cinderella is affecting Microsoft?
Microsoft is one of those rare companies that Jim Collins refers as “Great by Choice” in his book by the same name. In fact, Microsoft was the only company to realise the importance and market for software in the age when IBM was the dominant player and a young Apple Computers was still making its way. Today Microsoft stands as […]
Ram Prasad , TEDxNMIMSBangalore 2014
We want to improve our decisions & influence others decisions. We have been fed a version that we are rational, logical beings and in control of our decisions. What if this sin’t fully true? We have a better chance of solving complex behavioural challenges if we understand what really drives our behaviour. Ram Prasad is a co-founder of Final Mile […]