…  the threat of the imminent war was now beginning to set jitters across Kingdom “Global Giant” – On one hand it was a symbol of hope for those who believed in opportunities in Kingdom “Market”. On the other hand it also brought new fears of losses for its armies “Multinationals”, especially since it had lost a lot of sheen since war “Recession”.
[Please refer articles Learning to share & Building alliances and networks as it is a related post]

The growth story of Kingdom “Global Giant” was as interesting as it can get. It had followed an open policy- attracting the best ideas and minds from all kingdoms including “company”,”outsourcing” and “cold state”. And to retain those minds- it provided equal opportunities to them, some of whom even went on to become the king of “Global Giant”.

Bottom-line : Build a great team. Exchange ideas across the team and choose the best idea. Furthermore it paves the way for innovation
Kingdom “Global Giant” also envisaged a much more wider vision. It asked its citizens to act on its own resulting in tremendous competition for new ideas, thereby making them all more competitive while fighting as a unit in new wars- thus leading it to emerge victorious in most of these making it synonymous with its name “Global Giant”.
Bottom-line: Competition makes you more better and stronger. It helps you improve and build your brand especially if you have global plans in mind. Never shy away from competition!
Furthermore it built institutions- which led to enhancement of trust in the wisdom of the King. It envisaged a policy of justice and equality for all. The king tried his best to improve the quality thereby making it a lucrative destination for every like minded being on the planet.
Bottom-line : Build quality. If you want your product and brand to succeed there is no other shortcut to success.
Moreover it had now built close strategic ties with many Kingdoms including “Outsourcing” which gave it access to many new kingdoms. However it was not for free- these kingdoms also got access to Kingdom “Global giant”. Thereby making the relationship beneficial for both.
Bottom-line : Learn to work together with partners if you want to perform well in new markets
However new challenges were now being posed by Kingdoms “Cold state” and “One State”, which threatened its global dominance. But for the moment- the imminent war was its major concern…

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