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Effect of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior
Every organization, or rather, Brand, invests a lot of capital on marketing, a major chunk of which is spent on making ads. Getting an iconic celeb like Amitabh Bachchan to speak about a product like Navratna Hair Oil, it seems like a piece of cake nowadays. But, to how much extent does these ads actually affect the consumers? Do they […]
Vivek Chaturvedi , TEDxNMIMSBangalore 2014
Vivek Chaturvedi is a life-long seeker of the extra-ordinary, finding most things ordinary to be mori-bund and as per-form. Through Un-performing, actively since 2003, he has begun to express his findings through spoken word, music, design and principally by being, fully. According to him, Un-per-formance is the road to true self-expression. He is also the world’s first self-proclaimed more-on! Tags: […]