An organisation is a group of people which is systematically structured. It strives to attain a common goal. To pursue this goal, it is important to create an environment where the individuals can work together efficiently. Just like the organisation, every employee has his/her needs, requirements and goal. Managers need to understand these unsatisfied needs and goals and help the employees to fulfil them. This will, in turn, motivate the employees to work hard for the organisation, remain loyal and contribute to the organisation.
In recent years, the role of the employees has become very crucial in the hospitality industry.

“Hospitality industry is the largest and the rapidly growing industry in India. The competition in this industry is very high and it also faces lots of challenges.”- S.K.Kuthiala

“Low level of training, low wages, high level of temporary workers etc are few issues that exist in the hotel workforce. To retain its customers and attract other customers from its competitors the organisation needs to improve its customer satisfaction. For this, it takes effective and motivated employees at the delivery end.”- A.Kulkarni and V.Umashankar

Hence, for the survival of the organisation in hospitality sector, it is necessary for the organisation to formulate strategies so that it can attract and retain employees at high level of knowledge, skill and motivation.

According to Baron, motivation is an accumulation of different processes which influence and direct our behaviour to achieve some specific goal. Motivation makes the person to behave in a specific, goal-oriented manner. One can be internally motivated (intrinsic) due to the interest in his work, the satisfaction that he is feels by doing the task. The other way to motivate a person is by offering a reward, challenges etc. which is an external mode of motivation (extrinsic).
chef (Photo credit: StuRap)
For an organisation, employees are an important asset and a valuable resource. They play a vital role by contributing to different activities of the organisation. It is essential for the organisation that its employees remain with it, perform the task for which they were hired, and become innovative in their work. These all parameters can be achieved by motivating the employees. Motivation creates loyalty and commitment in the employees who work towards the organisational goal. In an organisation, thus, the managers have to tackle the motivational challenges so that they can lead the employees to become productive members of the organisation which will make the organization effective.
Attitude of the employees affect the success of the business. Thus, giving a right shape to the employee’s attitude and keep motivating the personnel are important areas in which the manager has to look into so that the organisation can reach to its full potential and perform to its best ability.
The performance of the employee depends on the level of his motivation. Different categories of staff, depending on gender, age etc, need different level of motivations. Motivating the employees is an important job which has to be taken cared by the HR manager. This helps the managers to retain their staff, improve their work quality, incite positive attitude towards their work and willingness to develop their skills. Poor motivation level will hamper the productivity of the employees which will further dampen the growth of the organisation. Thus it is imperative for the managers to keep their workforce motivated and also find out the factors that affect the motivational level of his employee.
The absence of motivated employees in an organisation will result in an increase in the number of mistakes, a sharp drop on the creativity side, a decline in the quality of the services and goods and many more. On the other hand, in a motivated environment there is an open communication between employees themselves and between managers and employees. Employees understand the importance of their duties and jobs; they are loyal and committed to the success of their organisation. This loyalty towards the organisation leads to low employee turnover and also better customer service.
Motivation is a continual process. Since the organisational scenario is changing very rapidly, there is a need to develop and sustain different motivational factors. So, it can be beneficial to keep a continuous watch on the factors which motivate employees and satisfy them. In the future, one can carry out similar research in the same industry but at different location to identify if the geographical location makes any difference in the factors.

[The article has been written by Saurabh Kumar. He is an MBA in Marketing from Institute of Management, Nirma University. He is also involved with “Saral”-NGO which works for the children of construction workers and writes his own blog in his spare time.]

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