Understanding Women through Consumer Behaviour!

Abstract Women are great influencers when it comes to buying decision of the family. No doubt that when it comes to individual buying, women are the sole decision makers in the decision. Most often we think why women take longer duration in buying as compared to men or why they buy things that according to us are not required at […]

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IMM Case Challenge 2: The Retailer’s Dilemma !

“I am not too sure if we can continue with it further in similar way”, said Anand Bakshi to his store manager Vivek. “This is 6th straight month of loss for us from this store”. It was already more than 2.5 hours of their meeting. And yet no conclusion. Vivek left in despair. He knew situation was critical. They had […]

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IMM Case Challenge 1: Baby Pro

The company Newvo Pvt. Ltd. wants to launch a baby care ayurvedic shampoo in the market. Mr. Ratan Shah, who has been running the company for past 28 years with his brothers Kanan Shah and Arvind Shah, first wants to launch it in test market before a country wide launch. In a meeting with his marketing team, he has been […]

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The Viral Story of Paranormal Activity

The year 2007 saw a number of releases ranging from sci-fi Transformers to mind boggling Bourne Ultimatum. While the year was ‘going big’ with such releases, there was another movie that was coming from nowhere. The movie was Paranormal Activity which was finally released nationwide in U.S. in 2009. The supernatural horror movie has been directed by Oren Peli, and […]

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How dynamic is today’s HRM ?

HRM has evolved from operational to strategic field in past few years. Globalization, competition, and information technology have created an agile environment for the organizations which has forced them to align their human resource management strategies with the organization goals. Looking at the current market space, the focus is shifting from volume to value. The companies now want to reward […]

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