Indian retail sector today is valued at $450 billion, and is increasing day by day due to its increasing middle class population and their spending power. Indian retail sector has two parts: organized and unorganized sector. Organized sector which forms around 20 -30 % in other countries , here in India it forms only about 6% while rest is all […]

Africa has 54 countries listed in it and is the stands second in area population among the continents. Its GDP in 2008 was $1.6 trillion equal to that of Russia or Brazil, Consumer spending stands at $860 billion, world’s 60% of arable land lies with Africa, 52 cities of Africa have population greater than 1 million, 20 companies have revenue […]

India is full of talented budding entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas for starting a business. To implement their ideas they need certain minimum amount of capital for investment and generally they have to seek different alternatives for investment unless their family is supportive enough. Start ups are usually small enough to raise money from market and are also not in […]

The way people live, behave, and respond differs from country to country. This has been an attribute of ‘culture’ which has been cultivated over a number of years since the ‘Homo sapiens’ have originated. In societies some rules become necessary and implicit with time, they are not written anywhere but are understood by people of that society and are passed […]