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Mohana BhattacharyayOffline

    Internship Diary at Amazon India!

    “You got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality – and when you do, you just got to take advantage of it.” -Eric Thomas Working in one of the world’s largest brands, my internship at Amazon India was nothing short of a dream come true. The pace of e-Commerce in India has started picking up. With the online […]

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    Responsible Advertising: Feed your Fire

    Some advertisements not just promote their products but go that extra mile to inspire. Learn to get up when you fall.. Strive.. You were born to achieve great heights! Though resposible, does this advertisement do justice to the product it endorses? Though responsible, is this advertisement effective enough? That remains to be seen..  

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    Responsible Advertising: Brave and Beautiful

    Advertising that takes up a cause! Women often tend to have issues with how they look! This advertisement does a fantastic job at inspiring confidence. The beauty of a woman, after all, does not lie in her looks. Every girl has a story! Every woman is beautiful! Learn to respect people for what they do.. for who they are.. Everyone […]

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    Rendezvous with Founders of SoftDive Technologies

    SoftDive Technologies is the perfect example of a company that has never lost its vision of being a market leader in the IT product space, despite diversifying successfully into the IT services business. We got an opportunity to understand the founders’ dreams and their journey. This one is a story that will inspire. Excerpts from the interview with Abhishek Kumar […]

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    India’s energy security: De-linking the global oil hysteria

    The 2014 general elections yielded historic results. The people of India gave a sweeping mandate to usher in a new era of stable, responsible governance for the inclusive growth of the ailing Indian economy. This election demonstrated the unwavering confidence that the citizens of this country have placed in Narendra Modi. With his landslide victory, he has a mammoth task […]

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