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India’s E-commerce – Future and Comparison with USA
- April 30, 2015

Who gained Publicity from ‘Anti-Net Neutrality’?
- April 22, 2015

Arpa Mitra

Dushyant Bheda

Shubhadeep Basak

Vinay Mucharla

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It really gives a very good info and I never knew marketing of Garhi Detergent... Thanks mate
I think apple and samsung follow Broad differentiation strategy while Xiaomi follows low cost with broad audience or may be best cost provider, coupled with an efficient supply chain minus the retail profit (as most of them are sold online). So the market of Samsung has been disrupted but...
Very nice analysis!! Can we also put there business into creating shared value?
umm yeah I do agree but just think that having airtel zero platform enables more reach... so ur point business wont be affected can be contested. the mistake is may be pointed to the fact that they didnt think it through or may be they had ? I don't give a...
that thing about walmart and google is so true.. One should read this article thoroughly ! Many insights!