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Midhun ManmadhanOffline

    How to manage the Theory X manager ?

    Santosh, a promising young professional, fumes and vents his frustration on the accelerator as he speeds home earlier than usual from work. He has had a real bad day.A new initiative for which he has been working day and night for two whole weeks has been blown to smithereens in front of senior colleagues by his tyrannical boss, fondly referred […]

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    Do you have a Theory X manager in your company?

    13.8 million working days and 13 Billion Dollars. Yes, that’s the figure companies lose every year due to employee burnout and stress. A good majority of the reasons why employees feel stressed out is because of the way they are treated at work by their superiors. The concept of Theory X and Theory Y was first espoused by Douglas McGregor […]

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    The Pissed Off Customer ! Oh God !!

    Never   mind   the fact whether the customer is King or not. But a pissed off customer can nevertheless ruin your entire day or your company if he wishes so. Having an ombudsman for every single industry doesn’t help either. Particularly when your customer has read those one page ads in paper or even worse, saw a poster at […]

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    Of French Cuisine and Current Day Presenters

    One of my friends mentioned to me about this very interesting analogy of a few current day presenters with ‘French cuisine’. He was advised by a widely traveled friend to forget about content and focus only on presentation, much like the French cuisine. While differing opinions could exist on how palatable French cuisine is, I am told that the French prefer […]

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