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  • Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar
  • Mumbai

Opinion: Anyone can do HR work !

It was not an easy decision to make when I was offered a platter of courses during my MBA. There was high paying Finance, dynamic and glamorous Marketing, Techno-freak Systems, Brawny Operations, and then in the end, the bratty, obnoxious and free-riding (that’s what they say), HR. It was a decision that was going to mark my value in the […]

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Opinion- The Consultant in me

The job of being a consultant is not easy. I can say this not because I have tremendous experience in this field. No, I don’t have any experience officially. Yet I can say this, because though not professionally, but in my personal life I had been unofficially appointed a consultant to a lot of people, friends, family members, cousins, youngsters, […]

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Can Human resource be a competitive advantage ?

The main objective of a business organization is to gain profit, and for this, a firm must establish its name amongst the customers. Every business organization strives to achieve this position in the market, and as a result, the competition is always neck to neck amongst all the players. Gaining an edge over the other players is what each and […]

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Digital Marketing- The Future… or Just a FAD?

Residing in an era where space is measured in gigabytes and friends are made on Facebook, it would be foolish for us to not use the cyber-space to our benefits, and this is exactly what digital marketing is all about. Blingy sparkling icons and flashy colourful banners that pop-up on our screens when we click open our favourite website, are […]

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Effect of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior

Every organization, or rather, Brand, invests a lot of capital on marketing, a major chunk of which is spent on making ads. Getting an iconic celeb like Amitabh Bachchan to speak about a product like Navratna Hair Oil, it seems like a piece of cake nowadays. But, to how much extent does these ads actually affect the consumers? Do they […]

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