The Latest AD from StarSports showing South African Fans will now be supporting UAE ! It’s a brilliant example of out-of-the box advertising !
Tags: India mauka southafrica star sportsYou might like reading:

Data, Politics and Anomalies | S Anand | TEDxNMIMSBangalore 2015
Have you been hearing about the powerful insights visual analytics provides ? This talk unravels the fascinating anomalies underlying the immense amount of political data available. S Anand is a Chief Data Scientist at Gramener. He explores insights from data and communicates these as visual stories. Tags: tedx tedxnmimsbangalore

Group Discussion IMM : Is Direct Democracy possible in India ?
Direct Democracy can be defined as a form or system of democracy giving citizens an extraordinary amount of participation in the legislation process and granting them a maximum of political self-determination. Can this work in India ? In Favour In a well-developed democratic country like India, direct democracy cannot be installed in the house of parliament causing inconvenience to the […]