CSR is an issue which concerns not just the corporates but one and all. Ms.Vinita Bali in her talk knits the idea of aligning the individual and collective responsibilities to have a society of good governance.
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Dissecting the Appeal behind Advertisements that have Gone Viral in India
Success in branding and advertising is something that is rooted in psychology. It is about appealing to the right emotions, playing on feelings and triggering interest in the target market. No matter how much one dwells on the theory of advertising and branding, there is no denying the fact that an “appealing” ad is one that gets everything right if […]

Land acquisition or Customer acquisition : Are they similar?
While there has been a lot of buzz over methods adopted for land acquisition in India in recent times specially in Noida and Singur, a random thought actually crosses the mind: Is customer acquisition similar to land acquisition ? In first look, the concepts look poles apart, but are they really different? Let us consider how: 1. Both require convincing : […]