CSR is an issue which concerns not just the corporates but one and all. Ms.Vinita Bali in her talk knits the idea of aligning the individual and collective responsibilities to have a society of good governance.
Tags: KnittingVisions tedx tedxnmimsYou might like reading:
The Expectation Glass Ceiling and the Perception shift !
Most of us believe expectation level of the customer must be met in order to sell. But as the market competition is increasing, similar products are flooding the market, it is not just enough to meet the expectations. The Luxury and durable market are already under the pressure to go beyond the expectations, but why? Basically a conventional market […]
Rajkumar Jha , TEDxNMIMSBangalore 2014
India lives in villages, with most of the people involved in agriculture. Illiteracy, poverty and illness surround them. Urbanization and top down approach on the name of social and developmental programs is farce. The people who moved out of villages and small towns do not look back and contribute to villages. “It hurts” to see their indifferent behavior. Will staying […]