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My MBA exam preparation story : Eeti Agarwal
We bring to you a success story of how Eeti Agarwal prepared for the MBA exams and the keys to her success ! 1.Hello Eeti , warm welcome to IdeasMakeMarket.com. Tell us something about your journey so far. Thank you IdeasMakeMarket.com. Is there any way I can answer this question without being a narcissist? (*chuckles*). I feel what defines me […]

Why FDI in retail is bad for India ?
The last few days have seen big debate around the issue of retail foreign direct investment (FDI). It has split politics as well as business into two opposing camps. 51% for FDI is a huge amount, one that could change the retail landscape in India, perhaps forever. One of the conditions for this proposal is that multi-brand companies should source […]
yup the grim reality
That’s the reality!