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Facebookization Vs. Twitterization: Who wins?
There has been lot of changes happening in the social networking space. The rise of several Facebook clones and also multiple micro blogging platforms like Jaku( which even happens to be open source). However, in the midst of all these one thing seems to have got totally unnoticed.That phenomenon is facebookization of twitter and twitterization of facebook. If we look […]

The B(ig) Dilemma: Which B-School is right for me?
Post CAT, XAT, NMAT, CMAT and all those other results, there are only two situations- waiting for at least a call or a dilemma which B-school should I join ‘if’ selected? To help you clear this dilemma once for all, let us go step by step- first let’s start with understanding what are the common myths that may cloud your […]