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Be true to yourself in whatever you do, says Anushree Painuly
Anushree Painuly is a writer who has received several accolades for her writing works. She is Author of the novel ‘Sunrise beyond the dead end’, a story about healing and recovering from trauma. Her articles have published in various reputed magazines and newspapers. Her fortnightly column ‘Sunshine Sundays with Anushree’ appears in Buzzinessbytes & Dailyhunt. Anushree has received Literary icon […]
Ram Prasad , TEDxNMIMSBangalore 2014
We want to improve our decisions & influence others decisions. We have been fed a version that we are rational, logical beings and in control of our decisions. What if this sin’t fully true? We have a better chance of solving complex behavioural challenges if we understand what really drives our behaviour. Ram Prasad is a co-founder of Final Mile […]