“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”

-Winston Churchill

Bhor is the social awakening initiative of the Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee. Our department believes in developing a socially responsible mindset in the students and hence, crafting humane corporate leaders of tomorrow. Every year, during the deaf awareness week, the students of the Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, come together to celebrate the extraordinary abilities of the extremely talented children of Anushruti. This year too, it was no different.

 About Anushruti:

 On 11th November, 1989, IIT Roorkee (erstwhile University of Roorkee) established the Roorkee School for the Deaf in its campus as a part of its social initiative programmes. Now renamed as ‘Anushruti’, this school was founded by Prof. S. C. Handa of the Department of Civil Engineering. From humble beginnings with his wife, Mrs. Handa, as the first president and their son as the first student, Anushruti has grown into a fully-fledged 10+2 school for imparting special education to the differently-abled children, on modern and scientific lines. In addition to normal speech and auditory training equipment, the school has the latest Computer Aided Speech Development System. Along with education based on the usual CBSE course curriculum, the school students are also given Vocational Training in about 7 different areas. Anushruti strives to make every child self-dependent in life and ready to take on the world before he leaves the protected premises of the school. The students and faculty members of IIT Roorkee are encouraged to undertake research on the latest technologies to develop assistive devices and other educational teaching aids, softwares, teaching and learning material to help educate and train deaf children. Currently the school has around 100 students from Roorkee and nearby towns. In addition to everything else, Anushruti also provides free Diagnostic, Audiometric and Speech Therapy Facilities to the Community as ‘Service to the Society’. More than 4000 people so far have been counselled, tested and treated.

 The Event:

We were supposed to go to Anushruti during the Deaf Awareness Week (24.09.2014-30.09.2014), interact with the children, and prepare them for the cultural events for their Annual Day. A few days before we could go and meet the kids, we thought out and planned all the activities we could organise for them; and along with them. There was a lot of excitement and energy in the students of first year as most of us had the opportunity to undertake such a noble initiative for the very first time in our lives. Our seniors guided us in the process as they had already been a part of the program last year.

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Sarthak Brahma

Great work Mohana..gives a clear picture of how DOMS, Roorkee gives importance to social initiatives and why everyone for that matter should do the same 😛


Its actually important that MBAs are taught the importance of these social initiatives….


:yahoo: another brilliant article :good:

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