Food for Thought: How do you think our MBA guy should balance his life?
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Inflation Linked or Floating rate bonds – which one should you buy?
Bonds or Fixed income securities are the largest asset class in terms of investment value (if we do not consider real estate). Bonds are an extremely useful financial instrument if one needs to maintain a periodical cash flow or match the liabilities. For example, if we consider you have to meet periodical cash outflows, the same can be managed by […]
Will the Volcker Rule work?
The Volcker rule, the centre piece of the benchmark “Dodd-Frank Act”, was passed in December this year and is widely expected to impact financial institutions all over the world and particularly the US. Named after Paul Volcker, the former Fed Chairman, the act reinstates many provisions of the erstwhile Glass-Steagall Act. The Background The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was […]