“It did what all ads are supposed to do: create an anxiety relievable by purchase.” ― David Foster Wallace
What is the true goal of advertising is a debatable topic. But the right one can surely work wonders for the brand. Let’s look at some of the greatest and most creative ads from around the world that ooze with charisma and shout out at the customers to come and have a look at what they have to offer.
#15- Duracell goes big
As part of the Duracell Flashlight Guerrilla Marketing Campaign, the marketers came up with this ever so awesome idea of “powering it in the public”. Having always been a top player when it comes to that, Duracell always brings it with its ads but this stint steals the show. Right?
#14 –Off with Ticks
When it comes to the debate of Communication vs. Sales objectives of Advertising, Guerrilla Marketing seems to be one player that takes the middle path. Maybe that’s why, Frontline chose to besmear the entire floor of a shopping mall with this cover. As visible from top, humans as ticks makes you tickle so much as to remember the name of its flea spray and buy it whenever your dog looks like the one in the picture above.
#13- Durex’s Fathers day
Taken that once you have absolute freedom with the content of your ad, it becomes easy to come up with a masterpiece. But when your product is like this, it puts certain limits as to what you can do with it. But then again, look at Durex and look at the series of ads it brings up shocking and surprising us at the same time. Mischievous Yes. But what an ad !
#12- Fits everywhere Car
If advertising really is about timing and opportunity, it probably doesn’t get better than this. When they saw ads of two big cars, Mercedes and Jaguar, put up side-to-side, the idea of putting up a lean ad in between the space with the tagline “Fits anywhere” definitely made the market for this small car.
#11- Live twice
It’s not only FMCGs that know and need to market themselves and advertise in this way. When the Mexican Transplant Association came up with this powerful yet thoughtful ad, it became a way for people to sign up for another life. Social marketing was never this great.
#10- Tastiest ad ever
With the notion of providing its customers an exact idea of its new taste, Fanta came up with this print ad that you could actually eat up for its deliciousness. No surprises, the new taste rocked with the masses and Fanta shone “like a burst of sunshine”.
#9- Burn it, Burn
When it comes to pills and drugs that claim to reduce your waistline or burn your fats, you don’t really trust them. But when a level of creativity equivalent to the this ad goes into it, you think for once that maybe, just maybe this could be the product for you.
#8- Watch hangers
Sometimes, it’s not about the place; it’s about opportunity. If you can make a watch out of grab rails and hangers, you sure deserve an ovation.
#7- The Benz blindside assist
There is a reason why a big player is a big player. You need to have the right product and then you need to know how to sell it. Here, Mercedes-Benz does both in a way no-one else can.
#6- Flirt or Eat?
Mischievous ads with innocent fine-prints don’t get better than this Irish pub putting up this building-sized banner to lure customers with its seemingly tempting large-print.
#5- Run Jogger Run
Nike tells you what you are there to do in a Jogger’s park. Thus, with the seats removed on the bench and the message “Run” after its logo proved to be a mark for all joggers.
#4-The Stunt Car
And then there are some ads you wish you had come up with. You want more of the description? Doesn’t the picture say it all?
#3-Ideas Change this World
We at IMM know the value of an idea and understand what potential it holds for times to come and so does TEDx. After all, every great thing ever achieved was once a dream and then came someone to change it into reality. This ad shows exactly what it means.
#2- Dental implants :p
Ever seen a bowling alley and thought of it like the above picture. Well some-one did and the result proved to be this epic ad.
#1- Colours of Nature
Frankly speaking, this is the best ad I have ever come across. When you really think about it, you understand the kind of intellect that has gone behind this one- the location, the timing, the colours and the sheer captivating charm of it. Deservedly, a block buster ad.
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My favourites are 1,5,6,8 :yes:
Loved #1 as well :good:
Simply too good !! #13 is a classic , so is #6 :yahoo: