Pepsi Cola is undoubtedly one of the most popular aerated beverages in the world. The drink was invented in the year 1893 by pharmacist Calhem Bradham as a digestive aid. The brand that we see has a long history during which it transformed itself as a popular consumer product and part of a global food and beverages empire. Here are few interesting campaigns that the brand has undertaken over the years.
1. Come to life campaign
The Come to Life campaign focused on positioning Pepsi as an essential part of life. It is supposedly compared with blood in the campaign.
2. Lemon Twist Campaign
Pepsi had introduced a lemon flavor named “Twist” and designed the print campaign incredibly well. Need I say more?
3. Change the game campaign
The campaign was hugely successful and featured Indian cricketers during the cricket world cup 2011. Indian team eventually won the world cup boosting sales for the beverage company.
4. Skinny Can campaign
The campaign featured the diet pepsi can with focus on ensuring shape of the body. The message was loud and clear that just like the can is slim, any individual can also maintain his/her shape by drinking it and enjoying the great taste.
5. The Joy of Cola Campaign
The campaign focused on showcasing the importance of enjoying the drink with ice. The enjoyment seems mutual as the ice equally wants to be part of the cola glass. Quite a smart move !
6. Blending Cola and Fashion
This vintage Pepsi ad targeted the fashion conscious women and conveyed the message that it does not lead to any weight gain. It is interesting to note that Pepsi always intended to convey a strong message of it not being detrimental to health.
7. The Halloween Campaign
One of the most successful campaigns in which Pepsi took a dig at its rival coke implying that every can of coke is actually Pepsi. Extremely clever and perfectly timed for the holiday season.
8. Pepsi Refresh Project
The Pepsi Refresh Project was about understanding people, and making it fun and easy to help them help each other and their community. The project invited ideas from people, putting them to vote for funding them and also building buzz for Pepsi. It also reflected Pepsi’s focus on improving the environment and promoting social causes.
9. Pepsi Light Campaign
The precursor to diet pepsi, the campaign showcased an ant being able to lift the can of Pepsi thereby implying its low content of sugar. Smartly designed !
10. Re-think the morning campaign
Another smart positioning of Pepsi as a breakfast drink focused on zero calories and as a substitute for coffee.
Brand Trivia : Pepsi even made international headlines in 1974 when it became the first U.S. product to be produced and sold within the U.S.S.R.
What according to you will be the other incredible campaigns from Pepsi ?
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