On July 16th, the Rural Management Alumni Committee of Xavier School of Rural Management, Xavier University organized a talk on Agri Input Marketing. The meet was centered on the concepts and tools of contemporary marketing management of agricultural inputs. The meet was graced by an esteemed alumnus of XIMB, Mr. Bishnu Prasad Mishra of Coromandel International Limited. Currently he holds the post of the Assistant General Manager in Coromandel International Limited, India’s second largest Phosphatic fertilizer player and is in the business segments of Fertilizers, Specialty Nutrients, Crop Protection and Retail. Currently, Coromandel International Limited accounts for a turnover of more than INR 24350crore.
The session began with Mr. Mishra enlightening the prospective Rural Management students about the urgency of shedding light into the marketing of agricultural inputs. He further covered issues like the sulphur soil testing problems faced by the farmers of today, shift from the agricultural occupations, the effects of organic and chemical fertilizers in agriculture and the supply chain management.
Having a keen interest in developmental studies from the days of his graduation, Mr. Mishra channeled his entire industrial knowledge towards the welfare of the agricultural sector.
Being a man of prodigious experience, he could answer the queries of the students dexterously. Mr. Mishra stressed on the fact that as management students one should never stream their interests to a particular sector like finance, development or marketing. Rather, one must stay as flexible as possible. The speech concluded on a bright note with Mr. Mishra congratulating the students for choosing the niche course of Rural Management and stressing on the importance of optimism and perseverance for the achievement of one’s goals.
Tags: agriculture rural management ximbYou might like reading:
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