XIM Bhubaneswar conducted the Annual Business Conclave: Envision ’22, on 4th December 2022 at XIM Auditorium at 10AM, hosted by XSYS- The Systems Association of XIM, Bhubaneswar. This year the theme was Digital Kinesia: Metamorphosizing the Business World.
The event was graced with the presence of Prof. R. Srinivasan, Professor, Strategy, IIM Bangalore; Mr. Jagdish Mitra, CSO, and Head of Growth, Tech Mahindra; Mr. Manish Pandeya, Partner, Deloitte Digital; Mr. Susanta Mishra, CEO, GyyanX, who shared their valuable insights with the audience.
The session commenced with the speakers lighting the lamp, followed by the felicitation of the speakers and the moderators. It was then followed with Professor Bhaskar Basu of XIM, Bhubaneswar introducing the theme and inviting the speakers to present their views on the same. The theme “Digital Kinesia: Metamorphosizing the Business World”, witnessed a variety of thoughts presented by the panel of our esteemed speakers. The discussion included perspectives on platforms, software, and recent technological developments in business.
The first speaker of the day, Prof. R. Srinivasan, Professor, Strategy, IIM Bangalore discussed the various types of platforms and elaborated on them using examples from the industry. He quoted that “It is said that if something comes for free, we are the product. The fact though is that the companies are not monetizing us. They are monetizing our data and usage patterns.”
The day’s second speaker was Mr. Jagdish Mitra, CSO, and Head of Growth, Tech Mahindra spoke about how platforms and SaaS is connecting businesses and the role of managers in ensuring that the technology is used efficiently. Mr. Jagdish also stated, “Don’t find the problems to be solved by a technology; find the technology to solve your problem.”
The session was further continued by the third speaker of the day, Mr. Manish Pandeya, Partner, Deloitte Digital who enlightened us about how customer experience plays a pivotal role and how this impacts the applicability of upcoming technologies. He put forward the point, “Today, it’s more about collaboration between platforms. In future, no matter what technologies are launched, their integration with existing technologies will be of prime importance.”
The final speaker of the conclave, Mr. Susanta Mishra, CEO, GyyanX, shared his views on decentralization and how Web3 will be a deal-breaker for firms moving ahead. He also added, “The old-generation companies need to digitalize to survive, and the new ones need to redefine the use cases by digitization by thinking differently.”
The event concluded with a panel discussion on how firms are leveraging the power of platforms and are building their identity using technological tools. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Bhaskar Basu of XIM, Bhubaneswar, who kept the session engaging by touching upon relevant questions.
After the talk by the eminent speakers was the much-awaited question and answer session where the bright minds of XIM University asked questions relevant to the theme of the day – Digital Kinesia. The summit concluded with an ending note and vote of thanks by Aneet Mohanty, the coordinator of XSYS, the Systems Association of XIM, Bhubaneswar.
Tags: conclave ximbYou might like reading:

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