Indian Institute of Management, Jammu signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with AIIMS Jammu and a Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with AIIMS Jammu and IIT Jammu at the MoU Signing Ceremony hosted by AIIMS Jammu at the Convention Centre, Jammu. The event was presided over by the Chief Guest, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Science and Technology, Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s office, Minister of State in Ministry of Personal, Public Grievance.

The MoUs aim at creating an academic think-tank to give new opportunities to the Faculty and students and promote integrated learning among the scholars. The MoU between IIM Jammu and AIIMs Jammu was signed by Professor B.S. Sahay, Director, IIM Jammu and Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta, Executive Director and CEO, AIIMS. The Tripartite MoU between the institutions was signed by Prof. B.S.Sahay, Director, IIM Jammu, Dr. Manoj Singh Gaur, Director, IIT Jammu and Dr. Shakti Gupta, Executive Director and CEO, AIIMS.

Prof. B.S. Sahay talked about the integration of technology, medical sciences and management helping in the blended learning, as is one of the key objectives of the National Education Policy 2020, and how it will lead to enhancement of multidisciplinary education. Dr. Milind Kamble, in his address called Jammu a hub of higher education and highlighted the great academic potential of the historic collaboration between the institutes.

Dr. Jitendra Singh released the MoUs and in his address said that Jammu has set an example for the other states of the country. He believes ‘working in silos’ prevents the optimum use of our resources and knowledge and hence collaboration is the new mantra of success.

The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Lt. Col. Prabhat Sharma, Deputy Director (Admin), AIIMS, Jammu.


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