Select a test city
As per the 2011 census data, demographics of children within age group of 0-6 years is as follows: [1]
Children (0-6) Years
In millions
State Wise distribution (Top 50% population of 0-6 age group of children)
Uttar Pradesh (29.7 million)
Bihar (18.6 million)
Maharashtra (12.8 million)
Madhya Pradesh (10.5 million)
Rajasthan (10.5 million) constitute 52% children in the age group of 0-6 year.
We clearly see that 0-6 age group children are maximum in Uttar Pradesh. Hence we get the maximum target group of parents in UP.
Second Advantage of launching in UP is that it’s adjacent to Bihar, where headquarters of Newvo exists.
Hence Kanpur would be an ideal choice for launching the ayurvedic baby shampoo.
Distance between Kanpur and Gaya (location of ayurg ashram) is just 600 Kms and it will be easier for the supply chain of Newvo to cater to the requirements.
Baby Pro is a Product Development Name. Think of a name that you think will connect best to your target customers.
Hindi speaking population in UP and current markets of Newvo is the maximum. Also, since the strength of Newvo is its rural and local distribution channel hence a hindi name would be more suitable. Kesh Raj (King of Hairs) Shampoo is the name which would connect best to the target customers.
Select the pack/packs that must be introduced in the test city of your choice
We will initially launch a 100 ml pack of Rs. 95 for urban customers however for the rural population, satchets of Re. 1 and Rs. 2 needs to be developed for far and better reach of Kesh Raj.

Prepare a communication strategy with proper communication channel/ channels for test city

Reasoning: The idea is to make shampooing a fun and periodic activity
-To engage mothers back to shampooing by ayurvedic activity
-To leverage the emotional connect of a mother and child
-To make kids get a psychological connect how relaxing massage can be when they see all smiles on their mothers face
-To devote time for love and affection to your beautiful kid
-To encourage parents to give their best in a way that is so close to their heart
-Commercial targeting the population: 0-6 year old kids are mostly restricted to home. Parents aspire them to grow and stand on their feet and be beautiful and healthy. The advertisement will show a story of this infant girl whose mother makes her shampoo Keshraj.
-Time:  A 2 month old infant girl takes her first shampoo
-Her mother is happy but skeptical and not convinced for using the chemical shampoos. She hears about Kesh Raj.
-She starts applying the shampoo to her daughter.
-Now the kid grows and she starts going to the school tying her smarty  hair after using Keshraj Shampoo
Mother dreams of her becoming a leading doctor.
-Later, everyone is happy in the family, She achieves what she wanted.
A happy ending story of an aspiring mother for her kid which motivates others.
Pidiyo Ka Gyan: Jad se Judo Campaign
Product Positioning (you can be creative here)
Positioning in Small Retail stores and Urban Kirana Shops. Hypermarkets will have pleothara of shampoos and since the company Newvo is small hence we would target the  kirana shops
100 ml bottles in the shape of Mickey Mouse – Instantly gives a connect to the parent that this is a child product
Assumptions made :
[1]  Data from Child Demographics, Social Statistics Division, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
[2] Data from Lingusitic Division of India, from Wikipedia
[The solution was sent by Sujoy Das from XLRI Jamshedpur. He was adjudged runners-up in inaugural edition of IMM Case Challenge.]

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