The Hult Prize Case Competition is scheduled to run from 2nd January 2022 through 27th February 2022.
The HULT Prize Case Competition is a worldwide student competition in partnership with the United Nations that challenges university teams to solve the most pressing global issues with viable business ideas. It is one of the biggest international platforms for entrepreneurs spanning across the globe in over 2,000 universities from 130 countries. The Hult Prize Organizing Committee at XIM presents the theme for this year- Creation of 2000 Jobs by 2024 by Thinking Global & Acting Local. The organising committee intends to encourage business minds towards a holistic vision for the community. Participants would be inspired to make a positive impact by being the leaders of change. With the world economy aligning towards normalcy, The Hult Prize thus provides a great opportunity to envision a job-creating enterprise.
The Hult Prize is a one-of-a-kind case competition held in four major stages, with the preliminary round scheduled on 18th February followed by On-campus (27th February 2022), Regional Finals (April-May 2022), Global Accelerator (June-August 2022), and then the Grand Finale (September 2022). Post-registration, teams will be provided with training and mentorship opportunities by faculties and industry experts. After teams have submitted their solutions, there will be a preliminary round where the Top 8 teams will be selected. These selected teams will get a chance to pitch to a panel of judges in the Campus Finale. The Campus Winner goes ahead and represents the campus at the Regionals, clearing which they would be competing in the Accelerator round at “Hogwarts Castle.” The top teams from the Accelerator round further proceed to the Grand Finale to compete for the $1,000,000 global start-up prize. There are other opportunities as an added advantage for the winners by the Hult Prize Foundation.
The committee conducted a webinar on 4th January to launch this year’s Theme and Case Launch for the Hult Prize at XIMB 2022. Chirag Kakkar (Former Campus Director of Hult Prize at XIMB) and the Former Campus Winner’s Team Annapurna were invited for the Case Launch and share their experience to guide the students to tackle the Hult Prize Case Challenge better. The essence of Social Entrepreneurship was also thoroughly highlighted during the webinar.
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar owes its origin to a “Social Contract” between the Government of Odisha and the Odisha Jesuit Society in 1987. It is acknowledged internationally as a world-class business school that provides quality management Programs and develops futuristic managers with strong ethics and values. XIM University is promoted by XIM society and has grown from the three decades of distinguished existence of Xavier Institute of Management.
For more information, please contact:
Mriganka Mohapatra
Campus Director, Hult Prize at XIMB, XIM University
Email –
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