When Johnson and Johnson noticed a steep decrease in their band-aid sale over the years ,they tried a lot of new marketing strategies to boost their sales up . When a number of those strategies failed they decided to go neuro . You might not have noticed this but the earlier the Johnson and Johnson band-aid counter in a super market would have a cut-out which would show a child with a smile and a band-aid on his arm. This was replaced by the cut-out of a child who had just got injured and had scraps all over the arm with a line below the cut-out stating ‘This could happen to your child’. This played on the psyche of the Indian parents . The fear that the same situation could arise with their child and they would need a band-aid , drove the sales up . There was a steady increase over the next months . Simple isn’t it ?
[The article has been written by Praveen S.He is 23 year old blogger who is currently a Post Graduate student at NITIE Mumbai, pursuing General Management. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from NIT Allahabad. Football,Fiction and Films are what makes him tick the most. ]
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