The term Mobilization means “Mobile Civilization” which  originated way back in 1973 when Dr Martin Copper of Motorola laid the brick but it is the next decade , we would experience the realization of that brick into a civilization . As quoted by the great philosopher Sigmund Freud “Civilization began the first time, when an angry person cast a word instead of a rock ” reciprocates the limitless innovations and erratic technology trends, we as customer /consumer would experience. Hence we are in the middle of the most exciting transformation our world has seen digitally in last 20 years leading to an advanced state of intellectual, cultural and material development in human society.


The residents/enablers of this civilization would be mobile devices communicating with each other in their own dialect known as (Machine to Machine) through NFC enabled devices generating a universe of data known as Big Data, which is the next wave in computing technology by generating value from large chunk of data. The Mobile-payment would replace the barter’s system of old as the new transaction methodology followed in this civilization. Hence there is a mobile revolution, with the rise of smart devices and by Smart it implies Powerful devices (1ghz processor in 2010 will be replaced by 10ghz processor in 2020 and the average storage device need will increase to 1TB) creating smarter consumers and marketing opportunities because of the fact that they are always on, always with us and are always connected.
According to a survey, in one week 81% of us browse the internet, 77% of which use the search engine, 48% of us watch the multimedia and 92% gets connected with our friends, through just one smart device. The devices are converging, leading to the convergence of all the business activities on the planet onto a ubiquitous interface with the exponential growth of the data(90% of the world’s data  today , has been generated in the last two years .Cisco estimates that by 2015, global internet traffic would be 4.8 Zettabytes=4.8 Billion Terabyte )
Sample case – What it means for our retail vendors is 60-70% of their customers would just walk into their store, and just rattle off 10-15 other places from where they can buy the same product and then order it with a speed of light and get it delivered within 4-6 hours from a company they have never heard off.
The world today is changing at rate of a heartbeat or even faster. The top 10 In-demand jobs in 2011 did not exist in 2004. We are currently preparing students for the jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been exercised yet in order to solve those problems which are not a problem yet. For a student starting a 4 year technical degree means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study. There are 32 billion searches on Google every month in 2012 which was a meagre 2.7 Billion in the whole 2006. It took whooping 38 years for Radio to reach 50 million market audience; followed by astonishingly low 4 years for the Internet to do so and to our surprise Facebook took just 2 years to accomplish this daunting task. The goal of science is to understand the fundamental reality and the goal of technology is to change that reality. 
As B. F. Skinner quoted “The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do”. You can have the biggest innovations in the world today, if you and  your business model  belongs to the mobility community, but if it doesn’t connect to the emotions, passions, aspirations and the actual lifestyle interest of the consumer, it will never make a mark. Hence it’s a civilization where the  sociological growth of the mass is achieved by an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development according to their beliefs and futuristic aspirations.
Hence we are progressing towards an ecosystem of ubiquitous computing, where machines would interact without human interventions, revamping the whole business models of the semiconductor, connectivity , platform , application and business analytics industry , thereby   restructuring the ecosystem where technology and telecommunication have fused together to usher in the era of Machine to Machine communication generating Big Data being stored in the cloud with a revenue model being driven by Mobile – Payment  .
According to leading research firms like Gartner, Forrester’s and Forbes, the 12 technological trends  which would transform the way we communicate are Location based Search , Near-Field Communication , Augmented Reality , M-commerce , Html 5 Adoptions , Personal Cloud , Enterprise  Appstore , The Internet Of Things , Emergence of OTT Players , Strategic Big data , Mobile as POS  and QR  Codes and all are powered by mobility .
So we look into 5 key areas of mobility  known as 5 C’s  – Convergence , Cloud , Control , Connections and Crowd and with this comes an important question that : How many people on the connected cloud would give their intellectual capacity for free , reducing the Capex  and Opex involved in getting a solution ? Hence we are looking into a world where every technology would be  “SMARTLY” bolstered and the cost of Innovation would fall dramatically while the cost of protecting that innovation would rise dramatically. 
Smart Cloud – Right now Thousands of doctors and hospitals  are connecting to revolutionize patient care, retailers are accessing intelligent networks to build a mobile market place , to capture business from wherever / whoever customers are and universities are creating new virtual learning environment to inspire a generation to pursue ideas without limitations. Businesses can now do what they never thought feasible; cloud offers unprecedented speed and agility so business can deliver compelling products and services faster. Cloud technology is fundamentally shifting the business paradigm where organizations are leveraging the resources and expertise that exist in the rich cloud ecosystem to form strategic partnership and deliver the personalized services that consumer want and expect. Cloud eliminates the rigidity of a fixed cost approach and offers financial flexibility in an evolving market. 90% of the industries are expected to adapt or deploy the cloud model in next 3 years. 
Smart Strategic Big Data  – The next big thing in computing is generating value from large chunk of data. Data – big or not – will always be a problem if you don’t have predictive analytics to provide insights for forward-looking decisions. This phenomenal growth of data requires that you not only understand big data to decipher the information that counts, but also – more importantly – the possibilities of what you can do with it using big data analytics. The business analytics market grew by 14.1 percent in 2011 and will continue to grow at a 9.8 percent annual rate, to reach $50.7 billion in 2016. Big data is often characterized using 3 V’s – Velocity, Volume and Variety and the biggest challenge is to get the right information at the right place in the right hands before the required time  from not only the texts ,documents and files but also from intricate and complex 3D models and simulations .
As said by Sir Winston Churchill “To improve is to change; to be in the journey of perfection is to change often”, hence when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Mobile Civilization brings a new wave of change by generating mass employment. In 2012, almost 9 million people were employed directly in the mobile ecosystem, which was an 18% increase from 7.4 million employees in 2008 , contributing towards the public funding through VAT, sales tax, import duties. Mobile ecosystem’s contribution to public funding in 2012 amounted to approximately US$490 billion globally – a 30% increase compared to 2008 . It would also enhance the productivity accompanied with higher trust , security and openness . The mobile civilization would be protecting and empowering the elders, women and children of our society through greater penetration and reach, with easier access of relevant information and education .
Once a new technology rolls over you and if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road.  The world is changing faster than the time taken by a company to organize a Board Meeting and hence today: The greatest risk in a business is institutional blindness and it has nothing to do with the innovations, competitor’s strengths and the market share but it is about miscegenation, blending and adaptation  of working culture across the institutions  in this ever-changing converging world. The Smart devices have become the hub of our everyday interactions, and have grown beyond a simple communication tool to an extension of our brain, personality and habits.
Technology is driving innovation. Technology is driving creativity. Technology and its use is going to determine our ability to compete in 21st century global marketplace and the measure of intelligence of the strategic decisions of various corporates would be their ability to adapt to a sustainable and inclusive change.

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