What is a Group Discussion? Where is it used? A GD (Group Discussion) is a forum where people sit together; discuss a topic for a certain amount of time with the common objective of finding a solution for a problem or discussing an issue that is given to them. Why are Group Discussions used as a part of the selection […]

If you have secured or expect an interview shortlist from a B-School, then you should now focus on your preparation for the highly competitive rigorous stages like GD, Essay, & Interview. Over the next several weeks, focus on the following for effective GD PI prep: (a) Academics • Pour over your graduation subjects. Many of you have your own favorite […]

In 2008, the aftermath of subprime mortgage crisis led to quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve, global recession and the European sovereign debt crisis. Confidence in government issued currencies began to come into question. It was the perfect storm for the emergence of a new crypto currency: BITCOIN. Since the birth of the internet, there have been movements to create […]