Because you can and you care: Role of HR in employee branding

“A lot can happen over coffee!” This was reiterated once again when I met with my long lost buddies. The conversation started with the usual banter and touched upon topics such as the World Cup(read Suarez), elections and selection of cabinet ministers, books and music, ISIS,  PSLV- C23 launch and finally reached the much obvious- WORK! Just like old times, […]

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Does Corporate India need a Chief Happiness Officer?

Why is ‘Happiness’ being talked about so much in the corporate world? Are people making ‘happiness’ a priority? Does ‘happiness’ at workplace mean promotion, money, or an international assignment? Are having ‘happy’ employees important for an organization? Is happiness making a ‘COMEBACK’?   These are just a few questions which came to my mind while trying to pen a few […]

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Every exit is an entry somewhere else – 5 ways to tackle stress

Ask any one corporate employee today and the fear of losing one’s job without having another is something that he fears the most!!It’s quite intriguing to know that this ‘fear’ ranks way up the list of “THE FEARS”…But what is the silver lining in THIS dark cloud?? Having a firsthand experience of a loved one a job, I can vouch […]

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Changing Dynamics of Human Capital

There is nothing constant like change. And there is nothing that can reinforce that than OURSELVES!!   The way we eat, the way we think, the way we work, the way we connect, the way we communicate…every aspect of life. And this is what shapes the changing face of human capital. But what exactly do we mean by Human Capital? […]

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How 2011 defined the changing face of leadership

The year 2011 can be summed up in what Wael Ghonim said –“It’s a mistake of every one of them in power who doesn’t want to let go for it”. 2011 was a tumultuous year. It was difficult to imagine an octogenarian lead the thought process of the common Indian man towards socio-political reforms or a 30 something Google employee […]

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