Saya is a digital marketing consultant at Go Digital With Saya. She has over 8+ years of solid expertise in helping start-ups and reputed brands alike. Her forte lies in PPC, CRO, SEO, and Analytics.

Q1. Tell us something about your journey so far

So far so good. I managed to get around 4-5 clients while I was working full time, all for different digital services – website copyrighting, paid campaigns, and search engine optimization.

The need for starting my venture started with the fact that there is a dearth of people who could execute digital campaigns along with digital strategy planning. I have found so many people who are all fluff but when it comes down to execution or building something ground up, they fail.

My journey essentially has all been to bridge up that gap and strategize, implement, measure and review.

Q2. What have been the key lessons in your professional journey across various roles?

You can’t stay content with your life and be successful. You need to upskill, reskill and find new ways of doing your job effectively and efficiently. And contrary to what people think success is not a destination, it is a journey. This essentially means you cannot stop if you managed to be successful once. Success is a continuous state of being, a continuous process, a lifelong journey.


Q3. Tell us something about your venture. What makes it different and unique?

My venture is basically about providing digital marketing services. Right from optimizing content for discovery to paid marketing strategies. I am a solopreneur who liaises with brands and takes up projects independently and delivers.

There are a lot of agencies out there who do the same thing, I mostly help Small and Medium Businesses who are low on budget and want someone to look at the project’s end-to-end strategy to implementation.

Q4. What or who has been the biggest influence in your career so far? How do you balance your personal and professional career?

My boyfriend turned husband – Jeffy Jacob. If it were not for him, I wouldn’t have launched my venture and still would have been hustling between office and side projects.

In all honesty, work-life balance really depends on the folks you work with and the folks you live with. I have people helping out on both ends and I am ever grateful for that. Finding a balance is easy when you have someone you can count on while you’re figuring things out. A strong support system is crucial for finding that balance.

Q5. Tell us about a typical day in your life. Is it very hectic?

My corporate life, no doubt was hectic. You always get the feeling of overworked and underpaid. Ever since I started out my own venture into the digital domain, I get to be my own boss. I choose who to work with and on mutually agreed timelines. 

Q6. Which is the biggest challenge you have faced so far? What are your future plans?

I think in the digital domain specifically if you ask me, there are a lot of people who say or think they understand the space. However, in reality, they are far from it. And so my biggest challenge has been when my clients would want to try out an experiment without a proper hypothesis and then expecting unrealistic results. And in that sense, I have become picky with the clients I choose.

Future plans – apart from making a name for myself in the digital marketing space, I really look forward to working with people from different industries and scaling their digital presence.

Q7. How has the lockdown impacted you as a professional?

While it’s a bold move to quit a full-time job to pursue something you’re passionate about. Lockdown made me realize the space I am in is worth so much more. If anything, I think the entire world now knows they need to have a digital presence, and investment in digital marketing ends up in a positive ROI sooner or later.  

Q8. What would be your advice to young professionals and students?

It takes time to know your calling. Sometimes, a couple of internships help you decide. So, while you’re interning with companies, ensure you shadow your seniors and absorb everything like a sponge and as much as you can.

I see a lot of young professionals starting out their career with hardly any relevant knowledge. Most of them probably just wasted time during their internship or were doing it just for the certificate. Whatever career you choose for yourself, you need to be in it deep.

Q9. How important is to pursue your passion? How can our readers connect with you?

I would say it is very important to pursue your passion and follow your dreams. When you have a passion to do something in life, if not now, absolutely one day you’ll succeed at it. In case you need to reach out to me to understand the space or generally have any questions, you can reach out to me on Linkedin.

Readers can also connect with her at @saya_augustin

Q10. Any suggestions for

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