India and Bharat are the two names of the same nation, but there is a great divide between the two as both represent different parts of the name nation. There was always a big gap between the two and still it continues to be the same. India represents the rich and powerful who live in urban region and Bharat represents the poor who live in rural parts of the country. The name India, itself does not belong to India, it was given by invaders and was derived from the word Indus, and its original name was Bharat.   

The major factor that divides the both is education and now computer literacy. The whole globe is getting digitized and it has spread rapidly to the urban parts of our country as well that represents India but the poor residing in the rural parts of the same country don’t even have enough money to feed themselves and their family, and they can’t even think of education, few of them if get access to education, can’t get computer literacy, they are just able to read and write. Our honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has aimed to create Digital India and has been working on it. Many steps has been taken in order to achieve that. Many Skill Development programs have started specially for young and poor people and they are also getting equipped computer related knowledge, by this the government has tried to ensure that no one is left behind in today’s modern and digital world. Not only young, even women from poor and rural background are being taught and are encouraged to become self-dependent now. Selected people from villages, considered knowledgeable regarding computers are asked to teach other people at villages so that they can also learn the modern techniques and can see how and where the world has moved. These steps will take long time to bring any significant change. But the first step to bring in the change has already been taken. No matter how much time it takes but the change is bound to come.   

People should understand that India and Bharat are the two sides of the same coin and they should contribute in building the bridge between the two to reduce the gap rather viewing both as two completely different entities. We should always remember that the soul of our country lies in Bharat and India is just another name given to it. From ancient times agriculture has been the main occupation of the people in our country and later due to technological advancements people started shifting to towns and cities and started following other occupations. Bharat represented the people working in fields and relate activities, but now also we consider Bharat representing only those and excluded the people who now reside in cities, and still we consider that Bharat represents only farms and villages. Since, villagers don’t have access to education (specially English language and Computer literacy) and the city residents have, so they carry the name India as this name was given to us by English people. Since the gap has always increased people have also started considering themselves as part of different country and culture virtually. Both carry completely different thought processes. People who consider themselves as a part of Bharat think that their counterpart have no values, they follow western culture and have completely forgotten their own culture. But here we should understand that we if we need to grow as nation we should reduce the degree of divide or even abolish it. It should progress collectively by viewing both as a common entity.   

Growing in this highly competitive world requires everyone to have technical knowledge to move with the flow current growing trends. Digital technologies which include Cloud computing and mobile applications have emerged as catalysts for rapid economic growth and citizen empowerment. It is widely used in every aspect of our lives today, now we can’t even imagine our lives without these technologies. They have become solution to almost all our problems. Our Prime minister has envisioned to empower every citizen with access to digital services, and knowledge & information related to it.         

But what is Digital India campaign all about? What kind of steps are being taken to achieve this objective? To answer these, these three key areas need to be looked upon :

1) Digital utility as an infrastructure to every citizen;

2) Governance and Services on demand;

3) Digital Empowerment of citizens.

In order to implement these, following steps have been taken : Provision of High Speed Internet, Digital identity, mobile phone and bank account, common service center, safe and secure cyber-space. Governance processes have also transformed itself from pen-paper mode to online mode. This has brought agility and transparency in the system. Services to customers have also become easier and fast with less provision of errors(previously it was more because of human errors). There has also been an improvement in Ease of doing business as transactions have become cash free because of high penetration of Dot Com era. Digital empowerment of citizens is being tried to achieve through digital literacy, availability of digital resources/services in Indian languages and documents & services on cloud. Nine Pillars of Digital India have been proposed by Government and they are :

1) Broadband Highways; 2) Universal access to phones; 3) Public Internet access Programme; 4) E-Governance – Reforming government through technology; 5) eKranti – Electronic delivery of services; 6) Information for all; 7) Electronics Manufacturing – Target NET ZERO Imports; 8) IT for jobs; 9) Early Harvest Programmes.

Through Jan Dhan Yojana, every citizen got the opportunity to open his/her bank account but due to lack of knowledge of how to operate it, they are unable to reap the benefit of it. They have no idea how beneficial these accounts can be, they don’t even know how to use ATM card, and by how much their lives can be simplified by its usage. And this is all because they don’t have any exposure to recent techniques. Nowadays, everything is possible through phone, as villagers (majority) don’t have access to phone, they should be taught how to use the phones first and informed about its benefits. They should know how easily things can be done through phone and they should also be told that its not just for talking purpose. They generally face a major problem of electricity and because of that they are unable to charge their mobile phones, and today all major equipment works on electricity or at least they need electricity for charging purpose, these problems prevent them from using modern gadgets.            

But that day is not very far when each and every part of our country will be connected by electricity and every citizen will be educated and will be well equipped with digital knowledge. Our government is working hard to achieve this goal. They are also promoting renewable sources of energy though it is costlier so as to provide cleaner and better environment for the future generation. Though literacy rate is lower today but this is bound to improve in coming years. And the result of the steps taken by our government would be visible soon. Skill development programs will help the young population get jobs and reduce unemployment to a great extent as currently our country ranks low on skilled labor.    

We as responsible citizen can contribute to expedite these programmes, announced and run by government by being a part of these. This way the gap between the so called India and Bharat can be reduced, and every person will start considering oneself as a part of the same nation and grow as a nation.


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