IIM Bangalore reaffirmed its reputation as one of the leading B-Schools in the country with the successful conclusion of its final placements 2020. Known for having a distinguished and dedicated Training and Placements Cell, it facilitates its students with top-class domestic and international placement and summer internship opportunities. IIM Bangalore final placement 2020 witnessed participation from over 100 companies that placed more than 500 offers. A slight increase of 8% was observed in the median salary. Management Consulting became the highest recruiting sector making 37% of the total offers.

Some of the prominent companies that hired the students of this institute during 2020 placements include Amazon, Bain & Company, Goldman Sachs, The Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, McKinsey & Company, KPMG, TCS, Vedanta and Microsoft, among others.

Median Salary: INR 25 Lacs

Average Salary: INR 26.18 Lacs

Sector Wise Breakup of Placements

You can read the complete placement report here.


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