1. The contest is open to Indian nationals only.

2. The article should be original and free from any form of plagiarism. If found to have plagiarism, the article will be immediately disqualified from the contest. All sources and references for data should be properly mentioned.The topics for article submission are: 


i.Economic analysis of any Euro zone country excluding Greece and Estonia

ii.Economic analysis of any Latin American country and trade relation with China, India and US 

iii.Banking system of any ASEAN country

iv.Analysis of any  MKIT (Mexico, Korea, Indonesia, Turkey) nation

v.Does NGOs have relevance or are mere Corporate puppets ?

vi.Branding strategy of any FMCG brand and why it works/does not work

vii.Money laundering

viii.A currency that can replace dollar as reserve currency

ix.Changing dynamics of Human capital

x.Lean operations and supply chain

xi.Re-Branding any political party and designing their election campaign

xii. A company that will ultimately prove to be Facebook’s nemesis 

3.Each article will have to be of minimum 600 words and should preferably be less than 2000 words. The articles need to be mailed to [email protected] along with your name, a short bio and with your twitter id (optional) and blog link (optional). The subject line of the mail should read IdeasClash2.0_Topic no. _ your name . The articles that will be posted during the contest cannot be posted in any other magazines/sites/personal blogs. Any violation will lead to automatic disqualification.

4.All articles need to be mailed in .doc format

5.A confirmation mail regarding approval/disapproval of the article will be sent within 48 hours of receiving the same. Once approved, the article will be considered an official entry in the contest.

The Prizes for the contests will be :

i.Facebook Votes winner : Prizes worth Rs. 500 + Certificate . The winner will be determined by the number of Facebook likes the article receives ( A like button will be present at the end of the article).

ii.Judges winner: Prizes worth Rs. 500 + Certificate – The winner will be decided based on the decision by our panel and admin team.

In case of a tie, the decision of the organizing committee will be considered as final.

6.The dates for submitting the articles will be from 29th January, 2012 to 29th February, 2012.  Articles received after 29th February will not  be entertained for the contest.

7.Only Facebook likes received till 13th March,2012 will be considered for the contest. The winners will be declared on 15thMarch,2012.

8.Early bird advantage : Articles that will be approved, will be immediately posted. So an article that is posted on 9th February will have a voting (Facebook like) window of 30 days, whereas an article posted on 29th February will have a voting window of just 10 days !

9.All articles that will be approved during the contest will also be published in our free ebook “Thinktank” 3 & 4 .

10.In case of any dispute,  decision of the organizing committee will be treated as final.

In case of any queries, feel free to mail us at [email protected] !

All the best !


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