Most of us have played computer games in our childhood such as Mario or Chess. In these games, computer has acted as the opponent. We have enjoyed playing these games and competing with the machine. It was our first interaction with an AI. Interestingly, the advent of AI in a wide scale in the 21st century is transforming our lives in a much bigger manner.

Artificial Intelligence or AI has been the buzz word over the last few years. There are many presumptions around it such as our work will become faster or AIs will replace us from the workforce. Many companies are increasingly adopting a chat bot based experience which is further getting optimized by a voice bot. Professions such as research analysts are increasingly being replaced by bots which can analyse this data faster and generate the reports. The purpose of a machine is to help us perform our work faster. Yet, the onus has now shifted to a stage where machines will increasingly start replacing humans in every sphere. The entire Human – AI interaction is being replaced by a human-humanoid interaction. Driver-less cars will become a reality in the next decade & professions such as equity and data analysts will become a thing of the past. AIs will increasingly understand human emotions and read facial interactions.

However, I do not see the acceptance of AIs as an inherent risk. Instead it is a great opportunity for small businesses to increase in scale in the shortest period possible. There will be new jobs created for designing AIs hence coding will become a mandatory skill in future. Are we ready for the challenge ? What happens though if AIs start building their own algorithms without our intervention? Will it be a man vs machine race?

The answer to this perhaps lies in the basic principles of evolution. There is an increasing possibility that humans in future will combine themselves with AIs to ensure much evolved analytical abilities and computing power. AIs can also start their own evolution by learning from their interaction with humans and generating new codes that can be used to program new AIs. In a future world, it may be also possible to recreate a person using AI by predicting how the individual will think in different situations. This can even hold the key to achieving immortality in a digital form after death. Clearly the scope is endless.

Whether we like or not, AI is here to stay. Rather than AIs evolving to human life, perhaps it is time for us to imagine our lives in an increasingly AI powered world.


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