Ask any one corporate employee today and the fear of losing one’s job without having another is something that he fears the most!!It’s quite intriguing to know that this ‘fear’ ranks way up the list of “THE FEARS”…But what is the silver lining in THIS dark cloud??

Having a firsthand experience of a loved one a job, I can vouch that the stress from job loss does not only restrict the individual but also the immediate family and loved ones. It’s so vain(read naive) to think that today a person’s identity is merely due to the job he has, the loss of which makes him grapple with the fear and mental torment.

So, what are the 5 ways to tackle stress post job loss? The rush for deadlines, reports, targets, meetings deprives us of the “most wanted Luxury”-TIME.The answer lies in one simple sentence –The biggest “present” in the NOW is how well you manage and utilize time.

1. Take out time to think, introspect and retrospect about the past.

Always ask yourself…”What is good about this situation?” What have you learned from your past experiences that is helping you now? What step will you take today to get closer to your goals? What do you REALLY want in your next job?

2. Take out time for people you missed staying in touch with. It may be your aging grandmother, your school buddy or just the neighbour next door. You never know what you would discover?

3. Learn something new! Its a sure shot way to rediscover yourself. Learn a new language. Learn to cook. Learn music. Learn to distress!!

4. Get yourself to be active. It could mean hitting the gym, running in the neighbourhood park, yoga or simply distressing with your babies!!

5. Don’t take the first offer that comes your way. Decisions taken on an impulse can be self defeating. It may put you in the spot you never wanted to be.

In short, take the time to relax!!

Remember, YOU are the best and YOU are Unique!!Like Top Stoppard puts it-“Every exit is an entry somewhere else.”


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