Having largely benefitted by early industrialization and fuelled by an insatiable consumer demandwestern countries dominated the global economy for much of the 20th century. During this period, with an exception of Japan, much of the Asia remained an agro-based economy relying on exports of natural resources to their western counterparts for sustenance. The vicissitudes of time ensured a constant churn of socio-eco-political events that saw some paradigm shifts happening on the global stage. Change, it is said, is the only thing constant and traditional centres of power saw their iron fisted control over world economy slipping through their fingers. The years from 2000-2010 which have been described as “the decade from hell” for the USA culminated in the form of a devastating financial crisis, the ramifications of which are still being felt in some parts of the world. It was during this same period that the Asian giants woke from their deep slumber. With a combined world population of 36%, India and China started to boldly stake their claims as the world’s growth engines. While the latter became the world’s manufacturing backyard, the former staked its claim as the world’s service centre. The axis of international system that had so long revolved around the Atlantic, started shifting eastwards.
With an attempt to put this tectonic shift in perspective, Ecolibria, in its current edition of bi-annualMagazine -Ecoshastra invited articles on the theme ‘Cogs in the Asian Juggernaut – Towards a brighter future’. We received an overwhelming response in terms of participation. Students from reputed B-Schools all over India participated in voicing their opinion and all the articles were shared on our blog Ecoworld. We have selected an eclectic mix of articles based on our internal ratings and have included them in this impression of Ecoshastra. These articles showcases, the variegated situations that add flavour to the limitless spectrum of opportunities and challenges facing the emerging economies by addressing some concerns relevant in today’s time and context.
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