Anushree Painuly is a writer who has received several accolades for her writing works. She is Author of the novel ‘Sunrise beyond the dead end’, a story about healing and recovering from trauma. Her articles have published in various reputed magazines and newspapers. Her fortnightly column ‘Sunshine Sundays with Anushree’ appears in Buzzinessbytes & Dailyhunt. Anushree has received Literary icon of the year 2020, Sahityakosh Samman 2021 and Tagore Literary Commemorative 2021, for her writing. She has featured in several newspapers including The Deccan Herald, The Pioneer, Hindustan Times, Telangana Today, Outlook,The Asian Chronicle,The Hans India among others. She is also a successful healer, who has helped several people lead a better life. She conducts her ‘Good Life’ sessions, dealing with life- transforming patterns and habits in India and abroad. Anushree believes that art of any form is essential to keep one connected to their inner-self. She loves to devote her spare time to the art of acting and has appeared in several TVCs, albums, serials and print ads.

Q1. Tell us something about your journey so far.

The journey so far has been wonderful. I have learnt, achieved, stumbled, dusted myself and walked again. And I think this statement doesn’t just describes my journey, rather it sums up journey of every single person who is determined to walk the road of his or her dreams.

 Q2. What prompted you to make the switch from fashion to become an author?

It wasn’t an immediate switch nor was it a pre-planned one. I would rather say things took their own course and for the best. Though I have been writing since my childhood and my writings often found their place in reputed newspapers and magazines but I had never thought of becoming an author.

It was due to the sufferings and struggles of people I came across during my healing works that I decided to write something which can be beneficial for the society. At any given time my reach is limited, but words can travel far, across the globe and reach people in need. That is how my first book ‘Sunrise beyond the dead end’ happened.

Q3. How would you compare the skills of a professional with that in writing books? Is there any common ground?

Writing is not just about words, some ink and paper. It requires a lot of discipline, dedication, incessant practice of the skill, research and the art of conveying your message to your audience with least distortion. Same is the requirement of any corporate or freelance job.

Passion and dedication are important in every profession.

Q4. What or who has been the biggest influence in your career so far?

I always pick good and progressive thoughts from everyone. Success stories of not just great men but even common people inspires me. Yes, Mr. Barak Obama is inspirational but so is the blind person living in your building who got his first job.  Thus, everyone and everything is my teacher and has some percentage of influence on my thoughts somewhere.

Apart from that, my love for art in every form, be it writing, music, acting or painting and the concept of human harmony with nature and everything in existence are the main factors that drive my career and life as well.

Q5- Which is the biggest challenge you have faced so far? What are your future plans?

I can’t think of the ‘biggest’ challenge. Not because the ride has been very smooth but because I fail to overweigh one challenge over other. From entering the world of acting where I knew no one and had no idea of, to debuting as an author. Nothing has been easy, but these challenges have shaped me into who I am today. They play a crucial part in my success story. Moreover, as said my Franklin D. Roosevelt- “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.”

One step at a time, that’s how I walk. I don’t plan for far future as that limits us our approach. Walk towards your goal but keep your eyes open to opportunities that might arise unexpectedly. Everyday I just take the best step I can towards my better future.

Q6. Tell us about your experience as an actor as well as a healer. How do you balance so many different paths together?

Acting is an art in which you have to shatter your boundaries and image and enter the skin of your character. The character you are playing might be very different from who you are in real life, he/she might have habits completely contrast from yours. And that is how acting really helps one evolve and makes one understand things very deeply. I love to act and by the grace of God I have been blessed enough to appear in numerous ad films, documentaries, TV soaps, music videos etc. Though due to COVID situation I have stepped back for some time from the camera, as safety and health is always a priority for me.

Healing is a different world altogether. If you are a healed and conscious being you can be in a blissful state even amidst maddening situations. But as a healer one comes across a lot of pain and suffering everyday. It can be mental, physical or emotional suffering that your patients are dealing with. A healer carries great responsibility on his shoulders; one has to heal the other person, make them see the light and yet stay totally unaffected by all of it. It is a tough task and that’s why I always advise people to chose their healers and their teachers very wisely. As a wrong choice can really prove fatal.

Though at times managing everything gets tricky but with practice one can very well to do it. It’s just about time management and focus. The  lesser our mind wanders to unnecessary thoughts and places, the more efficiently and we can perform the task at hand and move to the next one. I schedule my day in advance and I stick to those timelines.

Q7. What would be your advice to young professionals and students?

Be true to yourself in whatever you do.

Don’t manipulate yourself about what makes you ’truly’ happy, about your dreams, about your hard work. Don’t feed yourself excuses, rather accept your strengths, weaknesses and situations as they are. Only then will you be able to take the best decision for your career.

Q8. Which are the current projects you are working on and how can our readers connect with you?

Currently I am working on my next book (name yet to be decided) plus some new collaborations are in pipeline. Also, next batch of my  ‘Heal with art’ workshop is starting from 13th September which is keeping me very occupied these days.

I always love to hear from readers. They can connect with me at-

Twitter – @AnushreePainuly

Facebook- Author Anushree Painuly 

Instagram-  an_u_shree

Q9. Any suggestions for is already doing a great job. I truly think it’s very useful platform for youth and professionals who need advice, suggestions and help on specific topics. Unlike other platforms it is also a genuine place to form fruitful professional network.

Instead of the site my suggestion would rather go to the youth. If you are not a member yet, then join it, as good guidance makes a lot of difference. If you are already a member – expand your network, suggest your friends, batchmates, colleagues to join it. They in turn can invite their professional contacts and so on. In this way everyone benefits. Everyone gets to meet more and more people who share the same professional preferences. There can be a free flow of ideas and information. Rather than much hyped social media sites like are need of the hour.


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