Programme/Specialization: PGP, IIM Raipur 2015-17
Academic and professional background(3-4 lines): I am a Mechanical Engineer graduated from IERT ( Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology, Allahabad in the year 2014.

Q1. How has been your learning in the last one year?

The learning in my first year of PGP at IIM Raipur has been good and full of deliberation. Unlike college times the learning has been more on practical side. I have been more focused on studying subjects that I like and getting a deeper understanding of concepts. I got a broader view of management and businesses and that it is important to be able to convert theory into reality or rather go beyond theories.

Q2. How has been the placement scenario in your batch?

The placement scenario has been impressive with 100% placement, the highest domestic package being 21.5 lakhs. Some of the most prominent organizations include Accenture, Berger Paints, Bharat Forge, Bharat Petroleum, Cognizant, CRISIL, Daimler, Deloitte, DS Group, Future Group, HDFC Bank, HT Media, ICICI Bank, Idea Cellular, Infosys BPO, JPMorgan Chase, JSPL, KPMG, L&T, Maruti Suzuki, SBI,Tata Steel and Wipro to name a few.

 Q3. Which company have you got the internship offer from? Please mention the sector and project details.

I have got internship offer from Emami Ltd.

Project- To develop an in depth understanding on Skin Care Category covering all possible types of markets and channels, consumer habits and expectations, promotional activities on ground and across media, hence come up with suggestions for successful launch and sustenance of a skin care product in this market with focus on Cleansing Category and Fairness Category.


Q4. Are you satisfied with your scope of your project? Is it in line with your expectations which you had thought of in the beginning or during your MBA programme?

Being basically interested in operations and analytics this internship did not completely align with my expectations. But this being a market research project kept me motivated. I accepted this project and was not averse to it because I was in the process of figuring out my major domain and narrowing down my choices. Nevertheless, it would definitely be a learning experience.

Q5. How do you plan to utilize your learning in the second year of your B-School or job?

I will focus on my favorite subjects and try to develop in-depth knowledge as far as possible.

 Q6. Please share your experience of placement interview.

The summer internship interview was a phone interview and was not very technical. The main objective of the interviewer was to find out the enthusiasm level and the desire to work. Most questions were based on how you will manage XYZ. So basically they wanted to know the willingness to accept the task.

Q7. How should the students prepare for the Summer placement process?

There is no format as such to prepare. If someone is focused about which domain she/he wants then preparation should be done accordingly. But some knowledge of all domains is necessary since one cannot be completely secluded. Besides that general knowledge about contemporary issues and events related to country’s economy is the requirement.

Q8. What was your initial thought process when you joined the MBA programme? How do you look at it after 1 year?

I am still in a process of learning. Initially I thought there is so much to know and now I realize that there is even much more to know.

Q9. What would be your advice for your B-School juniors and MBA aspirants?

[bctt tweet=”Management is about learning practically. ” username=”ideasmakemarket”] The books and theories keep evolving according to the happenings in real world. At least have a slight idea why you chose MBA and do not choose it just because everyone is doing it. If you have a liking for a specific domain in management then you are good to go but at the same be open to changes because there is lot to realize after you enter a B-school.

If you would like to share your experience, kindly mail us at and we will reach out to you within 3 working days.


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