On the occasion of 75th Independence Day, the entire fraternity of IIM Bodh Gaya came together to commemorate the auspicious day. The event was organized by the Cultural Committee and Unnayan Club in collaboration with MBA07. The event was a beautiful ode to the long battle fought by our freedom fighters for the love of motherland.

Dr. Vinita Sahay, Director, IIM Bodh Gaya, commenced the ceremony by unfurling the national flag, which was followed by the Director’s address where she spoke about the revered freedom fighters who fought a tough battle. She addressed the audience and motivated them to be the best version of themselves, which is the best way to contribute to its growth. She highlighted that the freedom we reel in today was not given to us on a platter but valiantly fought for; hence it is our paramount duty not just to preserve but nurture the nation’s independence.

The event was taken forward by a cultural program arranged by the Cultural Committee and performed by the talented students of MBA 07 and Ph.D. 02. The program consisted of beautiful renditions of classic patriotic songs, poetry, dance performances, and speeches. There was a short film made under the guidance of Unnayan Club and performed by MBA07. It was heartwarming to see everyone’s enthusiasm, despite attending it in a blended model. The event also saw faculty performances like Dr. Tamali Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, IIM Bodh Gaya and Dr. Soumyajyoti Banerjee, Assistant Professor, IIM Bodh Gaya who sang melodious songs.

The event was concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Ankur Shukla, Chairperson, Student Affairs. The celebration made everyone reminisce, remember and be proud of the sacrifice of our freedom fighters


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